The idea platform

Think Better, Get Smarter

Discover, explore, and critically examine the ideas that drive your thought processes. Unlock your full potential and achieve your goals. Powered by the AI behind ChatGPT4.

Once impossible, now yours

AI-powered features that are basically augmentation

Our platform is constructed to allow you to iterate at blazing speed through a cycle of discovering, understanding, and improving on the ideas that drive your thought processes.

Personal Idea Network

Through automated analysis of your comments, discover the interplay of beliefs that powerfully influences your thoughts at an unconscious level. Learn which ideas make you stronger and which ones hold you back.

Idea Generation

Engage with our AI to brainstorm and generate new ideas and propositions. Use these to illuminate your blind spots and uncover new ways of approaching your path forward.

Idea Dialogues

Pit ideas against each other in a structured debate. Moderate and direct the action to critically examine the ideas that have been influencing your actions for years.

Sustained Inspiration

By daily integrating ideas right at the edge of your consciousness, feel the spark of insight and the flow of creativity that comes from exposure to and critical examination of challenging and exciting perspectives.

What ideas drive you?

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